Monday, February 21, 2011

A date with the girlsss :)

Had a wonderful Sunday afternoon with my dearest ciawen, xiang and carmen! :)
A wonderful going out with an unpleasant lunch as we decided to ANTI Kenny Roger next time. hehe ;)
After the lunch we watched THE SANCTUM in 3D.
My first time watching 3D was ruined! :(
The glasses made me giddy all the way like im on a ship. Lol.
No 3D for me next time :p
The movie was about the adventure of a team of underwater diver.
And here is the male lead - Rhys Wakefield. he's the only survivor in the end of the movie.
Nice looking guy and he reminded me of Lee Min Ho XD

We met with Eleen in Kenny Roger! So this is how we squeeze 5 people in a photo! XD

                                           And again, Jusco toilet is exclusively belongs to us :D


Sooooo hard i tried to be same height with weixiang :p

This looks better! hee :)
ooops XD

Muax to Miss Carmen Thong! <3

We look so alike in this picture! Guess what? We had the same hairstyle on that day, with a hairclip at the back :) And Ciawen wore a high heel shoes, making us in a same height! wow :)

Preettty girl with her preety curls! i love her curls :)

You brighten up my weekend.
Friends are just as simple as that. As always.

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