It was a long, long haul for her.
After eight hours in labour, two midwives came in to check on the mother. It was time, they finally decided. She didn't have time to panic. ''Next contraction and you are going to push,'' one of the midwives announced while getting the gloves on and equipments ready. She shut her eyes tight and started to push. Push and wait. Push and wait. Every time she pushed, the baby would come down, but then the contraction would end. The baby would pop right back up again. After a few tries, she looked as if she was going to be torn to pieces. But she was making little progress. The midwives asked her not to scream or yell, as it ''wasted her energy''. She tried her best to follow the instructions to just ''breathe through her nose''. However, she kept letting out sounds and the midwives were getting impatient. Time was ticking. CTG showing that the baby wasn't having a good time - he needed to come out now. Every second matters! Things got real, I saw the two midwives exchanged glances and the next thing I know, the doctor on-call was called in, and he decided in that moment a vacuum delivery would be best.
After eight hours in labour, two midwives came in to check on the mother. It was time, they finally decided. She didn't have time to panic. ''Next contraction and you are going to push,'' one of the midwives announced while getting the gloves on and equipments ready. She shut her eyes tight and started to push. Push and wait. Push and wait. Every time she pushed, the baby would come down, but then the contraction would end. The baby would pop right back up again. After a few tries, she looked as if she was going to be torn to pieces. But she was making little progress. The midwives asked her not to scream or yell, as it ''wasted her energy''. She tried her best to follow the instructions to just ''breathe through her nose''. However, she kept letting out sounds and the midwives were getting impatient. Time was ticking. CTG showing that the baby wasn't having a good time - he needed to come out now. Every second matters! Things got real, I saw the two midwives exchanged glances and the next thing I know, the doctor on-call was called in, and he decided in that moment a vacuum delivery would be best.
Immediately there was horror in the mother's eyes when she heard the word ''vacuum''. But there didn't seem to be any other way. The doctor applied the metal cup on the baby's head and tried the first vacuum and it failed. Then the second. She pushed, and pushed and pushed with all of her might. Her face turned beet red with sweat dripping down her face. Then time for episiotomy - I clenched my fist and held my breath. Please God let this baby be okay. Please.
Then that was it. The woman made the final push and the baby made his way into this world!
Then that was it. The woman made the final push and the baby made his way into this world!
I panicked a little when the baby didn't come out wailing. It took a moment for his lungs to fill with the world and to bellow his frustration at being torn from his cozy home. The midwives quickly brought the baby to the Paediatric Team after clamping and cutting the umbilical cord.
I had never seen a vacuum extracted baby before, and my heart broke when I saw his poor little head, misshapen from the pressure of the suction cup. Although the swelling was temporary, I couldn't stop thinking about the traumatic birth the baby had to go through.
I had never seen a vacuum extracted baby before, and my heart broke when I saw his poor little head, misshapen from the pressure of the suction cup. Although the swelling was temporary, I couldn't stop thinking about the traumatic birth the baby had to go through.
But I am so glad that all is well.